Unlike my oldest daughter who believes that yogurt is the only food group, Aidan is not enamored with it. However, as a potential sundae it has more appeal. 3 scoops of Nancy's organic nonfat yogurt; dried blueberry granola; plain organic oats; trail mix of cranberries, almonds and banana chips.
waste generated: none :)
Did it melt much?
I used regular yogurt, not frozen, and guessing from the lack of mess it faired well until lunchtime. Freezing it would have been clever but I didn't think that far ahead.
I am SOOOO glad I found your blog - bento lunch ideas I actually want to eat. I don't like Japanese food, but like the concept of the bentos. My first bento is on its way in the mail; I'm hoping to get a couple more for advance planning. Love your blog -keep the great ideas coming!
Thanks Cyndi!
That makes more sense. It looks like frozen, and I guess I just assumed because it was a sundae.
How about the sundae, did it melt? But I liked the way you packed it though.
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