Thursday, February 21, 2008

Organic Chicken Noodle Soup

It isn't even March, yet I'm craving strawberries and fresh peas and am beginning to become bored with the crucifers that fill my fridge.  My CSA box came with a little bag of sun dried peaches yesterday, a teaser on what will come in the next couple of seasons.

I did some quick research on the vegetables of the cabbage family and found out that the proper family name is Brassicaceae (try to teach that one to a three year old).  Cruciferea (the old family name) is apparently derived from a word that means cross-bearing (because the four petals of their flowers are reminiscent of a cross). So now I have to wonder, is it blasphemy to speak badly of the vegetables that grace my fridge?

Organic chicken noodle soup made with leeks, green garlic, carrots, celery and Rocky Jr. Chicken; organic orange segments (cut and reassembled they pack easily in a bandana or wrap-n-mat); organic coleslaw with asian style vinaigrette and crushed peanuts; homemade chocolate cookies.  Organic cabbage, carrots, leeks, and green garlic all from Full Belly Farm, the orange is also from my CSA - not my tree- and come from Blue Heron Farm).

waste generated: recycled paper napkin (used to wrap cookies)


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say "thanks" for doing your blog. I also was a devotee of Vegan Lunch Box and your blog inspires me just as much! I had never heard of CSA and was jealous of all the lovely things you seem to get. Lucky for me, I found an organic farm in my area that does them so starting in May I'll be getting my own box of CSA goodies each week. Thanks for the tips!

Jeanine said...

Thanks for writing and I'm so happy that you'll be receiving your own CSA!

Aubrey West @ Healthy Lunch Ideas said...

I really enjoy following every post you've made here in your blog. Great and healthy lunch ideas! Thanks!